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Learn about your member benefits

By David Popp | May 13, 2021

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9 thoughts on “Learn about your member benefits

  1. At this point I have to assume bankruptcy is around the corner? I can’t think of any other explanation for whatever this site launch has been, particularly the lack of followup/improvement/new content after the launch.

  2. While I am withholding my opinion on the “Upgrade” to Trains.Com, I concur with most opinions here that I am finding the change not for the better. What is going on here? No new videos since May 14th and no explanations here where I would expect some news on the problems occurring! I will be patient; however, their is a limit to my patience. I need answers!

  3. What a mess. A poor launch has been followed up fixes after months?
    And now it seems that new videos are either not being uploaded, or they get uploaded and become hard to find (Back on Track and Scale it Down suddenly had a bunch of episodes if you could find them, but then no new ones have been added).
    One can practically see through the magazine, there are so few pages. So where’s the new video content? At least continue cranking that out while you sort out this Edsel of a website you’ve unleashed upon us.

  4. I agree that the old MRVP site and MR archive was easier to handle. And in the video above it is mentioned that as a member we could download some of their books, but I haven’t found them yet.

    Markus Russ

  5. I think Roger Thomas raises some valid issues about, some of which others (including me) raised when it was being advertised. For me, the biggest concern relates to MRVP. Either it has disappeared or you’re doing a lousy job advertising it. I miss receiving the MRVP email messages.

  6. Well, let’s see. 1. The MR issue archive no longer has a search feature, as it did before Very important for me. Strike one! Since an upgraded MRVP site is still pending, it is much harder to look for new videos or series episodes. You have to try individually all the photo sites. Strike two! I am interested in and wish to see only material for Model Railroader and Trains. The Archive, only for MR, not Trains. Don’t care whatsoever for Classic, Toy or Garden trains, but this stuff keeps crowding some screens. Strike two point five, possibly three? Plus the posting of new material has significantly slowed. Or I just can’t find it.

    So far, my score for is: Real new benefits – 0. Frustration and disappointment – 2. Hoping by September that score will change and the number of Jones Island Rehab episodes will be about 15.

    Roger Thomas

  7. How soon will a search box be added to look for content? It is really frustrating to look for specific videos or articles without one. For example, how do I find Mr. Leone’s Back on Track series? I don’t know if there has been no additional episodes or if I’m missing episodes.
    George in PA

  8. David,

    Any chance you wold revive ASK MRVP? I enjoyed that show but it seems like you have not made one in several months.

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