News & Reviews News Wire Digest: Del Mar trespassing fence faces further delay

Digest: Del Mar trespassing fence faces further delay

By David Lassen | May 24, 2021

News Wire Digest second section for May 24: Oregon short line revives route to serve industrial park; former MTA CEO joins northeastern engineering firm

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People jumping off rail line as train approaches
The North County Transit District will conduct a new study of a planned safety fence in Del Mar, Calif. (Trains: David Lassen)

New study to further delay safety fence along Del Mar, Calif., rail line

The North County Transit District will further delay its effort to build a fence to deter trespassers from crossing railroad tracks in Del Mar, Calif., to complete an additional study on the issue. The San Diego Union-Tribune reports the fence — which was originally supposed to be completed by the end of 2020 — continues to be delayed by negotiations involving the transit agency, Del Mar, and the California Coastal Commissions. Those negotiations the agency’s request for a Surface Transportation Board ruling allowing it to continue maintenance along the Del Mar bluffs and to build the fence [see “North County Transit District asks STB to delay action … ,” Trains News Wire, Nov. 7, 2020]. In the face of ongoing public opposition from residents who contend they have the right to cross the tracks at will — despite several deaths from trespassers hit by trains — the NCTD board last week approved a $388,000 study to detail plans for the fence.

City of Prineville Railway revives track to serve industrial park

Oregon’s City of Prineville Railway is reopening a dormant 3,800-section of track to serve a new industrial park. The Bend Bulletin reports the railroad, the nation’s oldest city-own railroad, is reopening the track after a $200,000 project after replacement of 1,200 ties, track resurfacing, and replacement of a grade-crossing signal at one of two crossings closed since 2006. The railroad and Prineville Campus, which is developing the industrial park, shared in the costs of the project. The line is expected to reopen June 1.

Former MTA CEO Sander joins KS Engineers

Elliott (Lee) Sander, a former CEO of New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority who subsequently became president of Bombardier Americas, will join KS Engineers as vice chairman. He will work closely with KSE founder and President Kamal Shahid, with areas of focus including strategy, business development, and project execution. Sander spent 2½ years as MTA’s CEO, departing in 2009. KSE operates in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, specializing in public infrastructure projects. “I am tremendously pleased to be working with Lee Sander, who will bring exceptional experience, market knowledge, and a powerful record of organizational achievement to KSE,” Shahid said in a press release. More information about the company is available at the KSE website.

8 thoughts on “Digest: Del Mar trespassing fence faces further delay

  1. COP is reviving a “3,800-section of track…” 3800-feet? 3800 sections of track? 3800-section of proofreading?

  2. $388,000 just for the study??? Wow, someone is getting rich. Let’s see, with fence and walkway openings prevents smart people from crossing tracks. No fence, people can cross anywhere. Neither option will prevent people from playing on the tracks. Now where is my $388,000?
    You could build the whole fence for that amount.

  3. With which Class I, regional, or short-line does Pineville connect? Who will operate it? What power?

    1. Prineville connects with the BNSF (nee BN, nee GN, nee OT) between Terrebonne and Redmond, Oregon. Prineville uses its own power, a mix of older EMD power. UP has trackage rights, though I’m not sure they can interchange.

  4. The United States has become ungovernable. Can’t even build a fence along a railroad. People claim a right to trespass. We have become a lawless nation whose only beneficiary is tort lawyers.

    1. MR landey I must agree with you. But if they build the fence they will just cut holes in it to get across an if some one get hit an killed they will sue North County Transit for not maintaining the fence. I think they call that a catch 22.

    2. A nation of children – badly educated, uninformed immature dimwits.

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