News & Reviews News Wire Patriot Rail names Sexhus as president, chief operating officer

Patriot Rail names Sexhus as president, chief operating officer

By Trains Staff | January 27, 2022

| Last updated on March 30, 2024

Executive joins short line company from BNSF

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Sam Sexhus has been named president and chief operating officer by Patriot Rail. Patriot Rail

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Sam Sexhus, a veteran of more than 25 years in Class I railroading, has been named as president and chief operating officer of short line company Patriot Rail.

“Patriot Rail is experiencing tremendous growth, and Sam Sexhus’ leadership will enable the company to further solidify our shortline railroad footprint in the U.S.,” Patriot Rail CEO John E. Fenton said in a press release. “Sam drives execution and outcomes in the rail industry, and we are excited to welcome him to the Patriot team.”

Sexhus joins Patriot Rail from BNSF, where he was vice president of strategy and technology, He previously served as vice president, transportation, and vice president, service design and performance.

“After almost 28 years in the Class I railroad industry, I’m excited and honored to be chosen for the role to help lead a “best-in-class” shortline carrier. I have worked closely with shortlines my entire career, and Patriot Rail embodies the entrepreneurialism, speed to market, and general “can do” attitude that shortline rail requires,” said Sexhus. “My vision is to help lead the men and women of the company to continued outstanding results in safety, returns, and customer satisfaction.”

Patriot Rail operates 13 short lines and an excursion railroad in 14 states, along with five rail-related service companies.

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