Name: John Mansueto’s S gauge layout
Dimensions: 7 x 11½ feet
Track and switches: Gilbert American Flyer (maximum diameter is 54 inches)
Motive power: American Models, Gilbert and Lionel American Flyer, S-Helper Service
Rolling stock: American Models, Gilbert and Lionel American Flyer, MTH, S-Helper Service
Controls: Lionel types RW and ZW transformers, MTH nos. Z-750 and Z-4000 transformers with Lionel TrainMaster Command Control
Accessories: Gilbert and Lionel American Flyer, Marx
Structures: Gilbert and Lionel American Flyer, Plasticville, scratchbuilt
Vehicles: American Highway Legends, Auto World, Greenlight, M2 Machines
Figures: Gilbert American Flyer, Model Power, Preiser