WATERBURY, Conn. — Nine passengers suffered minor injuries after a Metro-North train on the Waterbury Branch struck a tractor-trailer at a grade crossing late Monday morning, WTNH-TV reports.
Thirty to 35 people were reported on the train when the accident occurred about 11 a.m. The driver of the tractor-trailer refused medical attention.
Patch.com reports that a Metropolitan Transportation Authority spokeswoman said the truck involved had been involved with another vehicle in Waterbury, then was driven onto the tracks where it was struck by the 10:45 a.m. train from Waterbury to Bridgeport, Conn.
Subsequent Waterbury branch trains were replaced by buses between Waterbury and Beacon Falls while accident cleanup continued; those bus substitutions are continuing, according to the Metro-North Twitter account.
“According to officials, the driver of the tractor-trailer noticed the crossing gates lowering and attempted to move the truck out of the way, but wasn’t able to in time before the truck was struck.” Whoever wrote that was either trying to be cute and failed or didn’t take the time to proofread. Wording clumsy it is.
My Bad…..found it was posted 3 days ago. Still it was a bad day for that truck driver. endmrw1117221908
BTW: What happened to the story posted earlier today? Two construction workers killed? endmrw1117221905
“Metropolitan Transportation Authority spokeswoman said the truck involved had been involved with another vehicle in Waterbury, then was driven onto the tracks where it was struck by the 10:45 a.m. train from Waterbury to Bridgeport, Conn.” quote from article above.
I am not a journalist, but one would do well to read the source cited to get the full story. What got my attention and reason for checking the source……”the truck involved had been involved with another vehicle” …… is INVOLVED a synonym for “been in a crash”?
IMPORTANT detail. Driver was cited for stopping on a track. The gates came down as he was waiting for traffic to move. Who knows maybe the other “involvement” was not the truck’s fault.
“Anywho” it all equals a bad day as a truck driver. endmrw1117221902