In the pages of CLASSIC TOY TRAINS magazine you’ll find information about building, operating, and enhancing toy train layouts; track plans, repair and maintenance tips, profiles of collectible postwar and prewar trains, and more.
Revive a postwar Lionel F3 in six simple steps
End of an era: Lionel had much to offer in 1969
Building the ideal Christmas layout in just 4 x 7 feet
It was scary. It was fun. It was a blast!
Making family memories while building a great layout
In black and on loan: a scarce GG1 bonds a friendship
A stunning S gauge railroad filled with spirit
Editor’s Desk
Photo Album
An O gauge pet food factory and freight cars from Menards, and a Classic Toy Trains puzzle
Questions & Answers
Collectible Classics
Views from the Underground
MTH’s new KCS SD70ACe and a Lionel camera caboose
Tips, Tools, & Techniques