Videos & Photos Videos Layouts Layout Visits Caryl Pettijohn’s Standard gauge Hollyberry Farm Train Barn

Caryl Pettijohn’s Standard gauge Hollyberry Farm Train Barn

By Angela Cotey | August 16, 2013

| Last updated on September 21, 2022

Caryl's 44 x 60-foot layout showcases his impressive collection of prewar Standard gauge trains.

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In the September 2013 issue, visit Caryl Pettijohn’s Hollyberry Farm Train Barn, a stone barn converted into a home for Caryl’s stunning 44 x 60-foot Standard gauge layout.

20 thoughts on “Caryl Pettijohn’s Standard gauge Hollyberry Farm Train Barn

  1. Suppppeeerrr – BUT it needs some really cool landscaping – look forward to seeing it in the future – keep us posted. Thank you, GWB

  2. What a beautiful display! Please thank Mr. Pettijohn for sharing his layout with us! I am postwar and so are my trains, but when you have the space, Standard Gauge is amazingly realistic. Yours run flawlessly; great job!

  3. Wow! My trains were post-war but my dad had one with tinplate cars. I wish I had them now! The video made me feel 10 years old again!! Beautiful!!

  4. There is no way to describe in words how great these standard gauge trains run on this layout. the power and speed are unbelieve Great enjoyment to watch.

  5. A great Classic Toy Train layout in the truest sense of the words! Thank you for sharing it with us!

  6. One impressive layout. Nothing, but nothing, beats the sights and sounds of standard gauge in the toy train world.

  7. Great Ceaser's GHOST! Now THAT is one AWESOME layout. I am absolutely blown away by this layout…..and to top it all off it's Standard Gauge. Superb!

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