News & Reviews News Wire Weekly U.S. rail traffic again below 2021 levels

Weekly U.S. rail traffic again below 2021 levels

By Trains Staff | December 15, 2022

| Last updated on February 10, 2024

Intermodal traffic continues to lag

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Weekly table showing U.S. carload rail traffic by commodity type plus intermodal totals
Association of American Railroads

WASHINGTON — U.S. intermodal traffic remains below 2021 levels, keeping overall volume down for the week ending Dec. 10, 2022, according to the latest statistics from the Association of American Railroads.

Total volume for the week was 500,310 carloads and intermodal units, a decrease of 2.5% from the corresponding week a year ago. That includes 242,007 carloads, up 1.3%, and 258,303 containers and trailers, down 5.8%.

Year-to-date totals, through 49 weeks of 202, show carload traffic up 0.1% and intermodal traffic down 4.9% for a total decline of 2.6%. The average weekly volume is 493,606 carloads and intermodal units.

North American totals, for 12 reporting U.S, Canadian, and Mexican railroads, included 345,288 carloads, up 4.3%, and 338,311 intermodal units, down 4.4%. The overall total of 683,599 carloads and intermodal units represented  0.2% decline. For the year to date, North American volume is down 1.8%.

One thought on “Weekly U.S. rail traffic again below 2021 levels

  1. Why wouldn’t it be down. The traffic is there but if you tell customers you won’t move their products then these are the numbers you are going to see.

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