LOS ANGELES — The long-awaited, much-needed people mover system at Los Angeles International Airport, which was originally expected to be finished this year, may not be complete until late 2025, the Los Angeles Times reports.
The $2 billion, 2.25-mile automated, elevated rail system will connect airport terminals with parking lots, a new central rental car facility, and — for the first time — provide a direct connection with the LA Metro light rail system, currently reached through a shuttle bus to the Aviation/LAX station, some 2.4 miles away. However, its construction, which began in 2019, has made already dismal traffic on the airport’s central loop even worse.
The Times report cites information from credit agency Fitch Ratings, which has downgraded the bond rating for the project over a reportedly strained relationship between the airport and LAX Integrated Express Solutions, the project contractor. Fitch has pushed back the projected completion date from April to October 2024, citing “various disagreements and disputs between the parties.”
An LAX spokeswoman told the Times the airport is in “active discussions … to resolve outstanding claims and has no additional information at this time,” while the contractor did not respond to a request for comment.
I just love how the rendering has no graffitti and no homeless or passed out people. Also plenty of empty parking spaces.
I lived in LA for 60 years and have been to and used LAX many, many times. I cannot recall any time that it wasn’t undergoing some kind of construction.
As for the People Mover, it would have been better if they had made the end of the Green Line or the Crenshaw Line into a subway under the terminals.
Anthony, look at the rendering, it will be oh so nice when completed. Do you want to bet when it is completed that they will never be able to get a photo that looks like the rendering?
That’s an absolute given HA HA. Last time I was there about two years ago, the place is hectic and a mess as normal.
Nothing seems to get done these days on time and on budget. That airport area is a real mess always has been probably always will be. I use to live and go to high school near here. LAX is not one of my favorite airports.
Never been to LAX. My bad list is: ORD Chicago O’Hare, MDW Chicago Midway, DCA Washington Ronald Reagan, and LHR London Heathrow.
DTW Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County is okay to transfer within the McNamara Terminal (Delta and affiliates). Don’t try to transfer to another terminal, or even worse, leave or access the airport to/from the city.
Good airports: BNA Nashville International, DEN Denver International, MKE Milwaukee County General Mitchell.
BOS Boston Logan International, let’s say the natives love it, everyone else hates it. I think my next trip back home to the Old Sod, I’ll try PVD Rhode Island TF Green as an alternate to Logan.