How To Build a Model Railroad Prototype drawings Pennsylvania RR class N5c cabin car

Prototype drawings Pennsylvania RR class N5c cabin car

By Angela Cotey | May 27, 2016

| Last updated on January 12, 2021

Pennsylvania RR's class N5c caboose has been popular with model railroaders of all scales for decades

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Click on the link to download a pdf copy of the drawings.
Don’t miss Kevin Miller’s article in the July 2016 Model Railroader that provides a lettering guide and other information about the iconic Pennsylvania RR N5c cabin car. You can also download scale prototype drawings of a PRR train-phone version of the caboose.

One thought on “Prototype drawings Pennsylvania RR class N5c cabin car

  1. According to the PRRT&HS, three N5Cs were modified for passenger train service. Train lines and steam lines were added, the air brakes adjusted for passenger braking, and they were renumbered 5020, 5033 & 5034. As best as I can ascertain, only the New Haven and Pennsy had such creatures. The New York Central, also a heavy mail & express carrier, preferred to convert old coaches, plus a few cabooses and boxcars, into crew rider coaches. The converted coaches had their center windows blanked, and the cabooses had their cupolas removed. The PRR cabin cars, which operated system wide, could be found as far east as Boston and Springfield, Mass. on the New Haven, while the New Haven’s hacks could be found as far south as Washington, D.C. and as far west as Pittsburgh, Pa. on the PRR.

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