News & Reviews News Wire Italy slows process for building Turin-Lyon rail line NEWSWIRE

Italy slows process for building Turin-Lyon rail line NEWSWIRE

By Angela Cotey | March 11, 2019

| Last updated on November 3, 2020

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ROME — Italy’s prime minister has delayed the launch of a project to build a high speed rail link to France, a project which divides the two parties in the nation’s ruling government coalition.

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte put on hold the finalization of tenders for the multi-billion-Euro project, which would create a high speed line from Turin, Italy, to Lyon, France, and would include a 58-kilometer (36-mile) tunnel through the Alps.

The Telegraph reports that Conte said he asked the company overseeing the project to delay the launch of the process to select contractors because his government is “totally re-discussing” the planned 20-billion-Euro project. The company, TELT, said it would still call for expressions of interests from potential contractors in order to avoid the loss of European Union funding, but it would not finalize any contracts without the consent of the Italian and French governments.

The two parties in Italy’s ruling coalition strongly disagree on the project. The League party supports the project but the Five Star Movement is strongly opposed, saying the funds earmarked for the project should be used to improve existing infrastructure. Reuters reports the disagreement between the two sides had escalated to the point that it could bring down the government.

4 thoughts on “Italy slows process for building Turin-Lyon rail line NEWSWIRE

  1. The US is Italy with nuclure weapons. The north and south don’t get along, the political parties exist to loot, and the citizens know there’s nothing that can be done. But, yeah, at least the Italians have good food. Not sure what the US does well (except war bling, of course).

  2. As one who has enjoyed many a ride, both before and after Ital’s rail renaissance, their glass is more than half full of ; your pick: Amararone, Barolo, Chianti Classico.
    Ride between Florence east to Venice…astonishing.

  3. Gerald, I love it, Italy a grand coalition of left populists and right populists! It gets as much done as any of the other Italian coalitions of left, right, center, Catholic, socialist, fashist, up down and sideways and Martians — absolutely nothing. For the Libertarians among us it proves their point. No government is as good as big government – neither format can govern their way out of a paper bag.

    Seriously, though, in time this project will find a way forward. It’s just going to take a lot of time. Patience and faith will get it done. The Swiss have built the impossible rail tunnel, so can the Italians and the French.

  4. The Italians couldn’t govern themselves if they tried…I wonder if someone of Italian decent can run for office over there, might be worth a try.

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