Scale: HO (1:87.1)
Size: 18 x 100 feet
Prototype: freelanced, inspired by the Southern Ry., Yancey RR, and Carolina & Northwestern
Locale: western Carolinas
Era: 1955
Style: walk-in
Mainline run: 785 feet
Minimum radius: 24″
Minimum turnout: Peco medium radius
Maximum grade: 5 percent
Benchwork: L- and T-girder
Height: 42″ to 60″
Roadbed: Homabed and cork
Track: code 100 flextrack
Scenery: extruded-foam insulation board and cardboard lattice covered with plaster
Backdrop: printed by Backdrop Warehouse
Control: Digitrax DCC
The track plan originally appeared in the March 2015 issue of Model Railroader. Click on the link to download a PDF copy of this track plan.