News & Reviews News New products for December 6, 2012

New products for December 6, 2012

By Angela Cotey | December 6, 2012

| Last updated on November 3, 2020

Including model railroad products from Broadway Limited, Kato USA, Noch GmbH & Co., and more!

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HO scale locomotives

New York Central 20th Century Limited class J3A Dreyfuss Hudson steam locomotive. Hybrid (brass and plastic) construction, five-pole skew-wound motor with flywheels, driver-synchronized puffing smoke unit, and Paragon2 dual-mode sound and control system. 1938 (two road numbers) or 1940 (three numbers) paint schemes. $499.99. Spring 2013. Ready-to-run. Hybrid Paragon2 series. Broadway Limited Imports, 386-673-8900,

HO scale freight cars

New York Central steel boxcar. Available with 7-8 corrugated or Dreadnaught ends, AB brakes, and running boards. Four 4-packs available or eight single cars (all with unique numbers). $29.99 each; four-pack, $99.99. March 2013. Ready-to-run. Broadway Limited Imports, 386-673-8900,

Northern Pacific 41-foot flatcar kit. Injection-molded plastic kit with metal stirrup steps but no trucks, couplers, or decals. Two-pack, $12.95. Central Valley Model Works, 805-489-8586,

Kato USA HO scale Amtrak Superliner cars
Kato USA HO scale Amtrak Superliner cars
HO scale passenger cars

Amtrak Superliner cars. Coach, lounge, or sleeper in phase 3 paint. Factory-installed details, fully detailed interior, and metal couplers. Coach and sleeper include dry transfer numbers. $80 each. Kato USA Inc., 847-781-9500,

Noch GmbH  Co HO scale Sawmill with micromotion reciprocating saw
Noch GmbH & Co. HO scale sawmill with micro-motion reciprocating saw
HO scale structures

Sawmill with micro-motion reciprocating saw. Laser-cut cardstock kit with interior lighting, moving saw horse and reciprocating saw, ready-to-use mechanism, and decoder that’s compatible with Märklin, Motorola, and Digital Command Control. $261.85. Price depends on exchange rate. Noch GmbH & Co.,

Noch GmbH  Co HO scale micromotion reciprocating saw
Noch GmbH & Co. HO scale micro-motion reciprocating saw
Micro-motion reciprocating saw. Laser-cut cardstock kit with ready-to-use mechanism and decoder that’s compatible with Märklin, Motorola, and Digital Command Control $183.31. Price depends on exchange rate. Noch GmbH & Co.,
American Model Builders Inc. N scale Great Northern 25-foot double-sheathed offset-cupola caboose
American Model Builders Inc. N scale Great Northern 25-foot double-sheathed offset-cupola caboose
N scale freight cars

Great Northern 25-foot double-sheathed offset-cupola caboose. Laser-cut wood kit with tab-and-slot construction; peel-and-stick windows, doors, and trim; and plastic smokejack. Trucks, couplers, and decals aren’t included. $31.95. American Model Builders Inc., 314-646-8588,

JMD Plastics O scale assorted sitting figures
JMD Plastics O scale assorted sitting figures
O scale details and accessories

Assorted seated or standing figures. Hand-painted. Six-pack, $12; 50-pack, $95; 250-piece, $450. JMD Plastics, 920-865-1219,

JMD Plastics large scale assorted standing figures
JMD Plastics large scale assorted standing figures
Large scale details and accessories

Assorted seated or standing figures. Hand-painted. Six-pack, $15; 50-pack, $115; 250-pack, $525. JMD Plastics, 920-865-1219,


T1-LED and T4-LED drop-in decoders. With built-in resistors for light-emitting diodes.
Full-featured, 2 and 4 function hardwire or harnessed decoders. Include auto adjusting back-electromotive-force control for slow-speed performance. T1-LED, $26.74; T-4 LED, $29.91. Train Control Systems, 215-453-9145,

Digital Command Control decoder. Drop-in installation in Kato N scale E5 and E6 diesel locomotives. Eight-function decoder with back-electromotive-force control. $42.75. Train Control Systems, 215-453-9145,

Scooters Static Stick static grass applicator by Fast Motion Graphics
Scooters Static Stick static grass applicator by Fast Motion Graphics

Scooter’s Static Stick static grass applicator. Designed to create a static field 3” to 10″ from target surface. Runs on a 9V battery or optional 9V power supply. Works with Noch, Gale Force Nine, and Woodland Scenics materials, among others. With 110V AC adapter, $99 (without adapter, $85); with international 220v AC adapter, $100. Fast Motion Graphics, 206-743-8676,

Shesto Ltd. magnifying tweezers
Shesto Ltd. magnifying tweezers
Magnifying tweezers. Includes light-emitting diode and adjustable 1.75x magnifier. $7.19. Price depends on exchange rate. Shesto Ltd., 020 8451 6188,
HO scale 40-foot combination-door boxcar
HO scale 40-foot combination-door boxcar. Custom-decorated HO scale Accurail kit offered by the Overland Western Lines Model Railroad Club.
Club offerings

40-foot combination-door boxcar. Custom-decorated HO scale Accurail kit offered by the Overland Western Lines Model Railroad Club. Modeler-applied individual road number decals. $18 plus $7.50 shipping. Mail orders to: Darin Umlauft, c/o OWL cars, 2020 Grandview Dr., Slinger, WI 53086;

4 thoughts on “New products for December 6, 2012

  1. I'll be using those magnify tweezers for more than MR purposes such as checking for deer ticks that might cause lime disease,

  2. I'm glad about the new run of Broadway Limited Imports' HO models of the distinctive steel 40' boxcars built for the New York Central and some of its subsidiaries in the 1920's. But both the BLI and the Walthers websites show the same car numbers as in the first run. A phone call to BLI didn't yield info as to whether the forthcoming cars will have new numbers.

    Even if they don't, I'm hoping to get one car in each of the two paint schemes I didn't get last time.

    The models are beautifully detailed. I have just two quibbles about the two I have. First, removing the blackening from the treads of their wheels resulted in exposing a brassy or coppery color beneath a very thin plating that's supposed to replicate the shiny steel treads of real freight cars (in many cases, the only part of them that IS shiny). I've had similar problems with wheels on some Red Caboose cars, but not with Atlas or Kadee wheels. Second, I wish the color of the cars was a bit less brown and more red.

  3. I would like to see Model Railroader Magazine to include more on Z scale once in awhile. For your information Z scale is all grown up.

  4. Great! A cheaper static grass application system is just what we could use. Let's hear it for market competition.

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