An Inkstone reporter cites, but does not link to, an article by the Chinese Business Journal for its information.
The website report details one train that carried one loaded container among 41.
China’s state-run rail system has apparently admitted to the empty moves, but claims that the problem has been fixed since 2018, when no more than 10% of cargo space on a train was permitted to be empty.
Cross-continent trains connecting East Asia with Western Europe are part of China’s Belt and Road initiative to build political and economic standing with other countries in the region.
The silk road only makes sense for expedited shipments. Most container trade is not expedited. Maritime will always be the cheaper option..
The rail routings from China to Western Europe involve two changes of gauge and thus lifts off and onto the forward wagons. It is known the China subsidises the rates for rail transit.
Perhaps the shipping companies have dropped their rates for the all water competition.