News Wire video roundup for the week of Oct. 18, 2019 NEWSWIRE
| Last updated on November 3, 2020
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I don’t understand the point of bringing up the insignificant amounts received through AmazonSmile?
If the point is to be critical, it falls flat since they donated more than I did.
I know I seem to be beating a dead horse, but why must TRAINS continue to produce amateur videos?
When they talk about heritage units, they should put up a picture and do a voice over.
The news update is so haphazard. Most of the time they can’t remember the specific details they wish to share.
Is this what we will receive if we make the regrettable decision to buy a TRAINS DVD?
Can’t they hire someone who knows how to operate a camera and editing equipment?
Mid-Continent Railway Historical Society raises $192.64 from AmazonSmile.
Museum of American Railroad raises $210.21 from AmazonSmile.
Wiscasset, Waterville, & Farmington Railway Museum raises $715.59 from AmazonSmile.
Pittsburg, Shawmut, and Northern Railroad Historical Society raises $66.17 from AmazonSmile.
Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad Preservation Society raises $24.52 from AmazonSmile.