Trains offers something for everyone who has a spark for railroading: Railroad news, insight, and commentary on today’s freight railroads, passenger service, transit, locomotives, technology, preservation, fan opportunities, and more. You’ll also see images and read stories from railroading’s glorious past, and explore the bright future of railroading. It’s all in the pages of Trains magazine.
Trains Express downloadable package
Facing a Raging Storm Together
Map of the Month: What Ever Happened to the Anthracite Roads
Big Power for the Little Guys
Bonus Content
Meet the artist who created the striking EMD ads of the 1960s in the Spring 2008 issue of Classic Trains magazine
Out of the Woods
Bonus Content
America’s Energy Independence Rides the Rails
The Bad and the Ugly
Bonus Content
Railroad Reading
News & Photos
Don Phillips
Roy Blanchard
Bonus Content: Learn more about new railroad technologies
City Rail
From the Editor
Modesto & Empire Traction Co. in Central California thrives
Jim Wrinn’s 10-day Colorado railfan trip recommendation
Bonus Content: More Colorado railfan destinations
Central Pacific’s Leviathan replica will be ready for Trainfestival 2009
Ask Trains
U.K. locomotive headlights • Bearcat scanners • Track types in New York