News & Reviews Product Reviews Staff Reviews BLMA Models HO scale F89-J flatcar

BLMA Models HO scale F89-J flatcar

By Angela Cotey | April 18, 2012

| Last updated on November 3, 2020

Read this review from Model Railroader

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BLMA Models HO scale F89-J flatcar
BLMA Models HO scale F89-J flatcar
Price: $39.95

BLMA Models
302 District Court
Fullerton, CA 92832

Era: 1991 to present day (as detailed)

Modelers of modern-era
railroading have had a couple of F89-F models to choose from, and now they can add an F89-J to their fleets. This accurate HO scale flatcar from BLMA Models is available in multiple road numbers.

The prototype.
American Car & Foundry built more than 1,600 F89-J flatcars for Trailer Train between 1966 and 1968. Originally designed for trailer-on-flatcar (TOFC) service, many of the cars have been modified to haul pipe, rail, container, and bulk loads.

When it was delivered the car had bridge plates, risers, rub rails, and two collapsible hitches for loading twin 40- or 45-foot trailers. In 1991 many of the cars were rebuilt with three hitches, so that the car could hold three 28-foot or two 45-foot trailers. On many of the rebuilt cars the end hitches are fixed and the center hitch is collapsible.

The BLMA model has a fully detailed underframe with many separate parts
The BLMA model has a fully detailed underframe with many separate parts
The model. The BLMA model’s dimensions match those listed in the 1987 Trailer Train Equipment Guide. Our review sample is detailed and decorated to model a post-1991 RTTX car.

All of the plastic detail parts accurately match prototype photos. The hitches,
risers, and rub rails are modeler-installed parts. An instruction sheet is included that shows their proper placement. The underbody brake gear is made from separate parts. BLMA did a great job making sure that these parts are in their proper place.

The plastic truck sideframes also match prototype photos of American Steel Foundries roller-bearing equipped 70-ton trucks.

The model’s die-cast frame provides much of the car’s 61⁄4 ounces of weight, which is about 3⁄4 ounce too light according to National Model Railroad Association RP-20.1. The scale 33″ diameter
metal wheels are in gauge, and the scale-size Kadee no. 158 couplers are mounted at the correct height.

The yellow RTTX paint scheme on the model is neatly applied and features many prototypical stencils.

BLMA has previously released this model in its brown as-delivered paint scheme and has announced a 1970s car in the yellow TTX scheme. Both of these models include era-specific detail parts. N scale versions of the cars are also available for $26.95.

The F89-J flatcar is a worthy addition to BLMA Models’ growing fleet of modern-era freight cars.

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