…And the new:
However, Bachmann changed all that, quite a while ago, but it is still the first thing newbies touch when they buy a Bachmann train set. The new, revised, controller no longer carries the large and heat-gathering transformer, but simply just the knob. The red flip dial is gone. Replaced by a smoother, more comfortable grey knob, with the Bachmann logo stamped on it. The transformer is now an adapter like connection you plug into your nearest outlet. The only LED light is a power indicator, and track-controller connections are simple plug in cords, used (of course) with the manufacturer’s system of track…E-Z Track. The number of throttle power is labeled in intervals of 10, all the way from 0 to 100. The electrical connections are all plug-ins, minimizing the zap-factor. Plus, the “Accessories” outlets are sprung contacts, with easy, comfortable, tabs to push. You push it inward, to expose a hole, you add your wire through it, and release. The wire is caught and connected to the metal, which is insulated with the plastic tab.
So, if you’re looking for a good way to power your trains with DC…Bachmann once again makes things E-Z (Excuse the bad pun).