News & Reviews Product Reviews Member Reviews Blair Line HO scale common pile trestle kit

Blair Line HO scale common pile trestle kit

By Angela Cotey | July 30, 2015

| Last updated on November 3, 2020

Check out this product review from a Model Railroader reader

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Blair Line HO scale common pile trestle kit
Some time ago I purchased and built this kit for a river scene on my newest module. I had never built a wooden kit with this level of detail and found it delightfully challenging at times.

The trestle comes with all the required pieces including a piece of bridge flextrack (but no guard rails), detailed instructions, and templates for building the trestle either straight or curved. I built this kit using the straight template.

I painted the pieces a brown color before assembly but this step might be better done after assembly and before installation. Read on to find out why. The most challenging part during assembly was that one or more of the pilings would come unglued during handling or installation. This may have been prevented had I not painted the tops of the pilings or had I sanded the tops properly. Still it worked out with patience and looks great installed!!

It could be possible to use multiple kits for a longer span but I only needed the 6 or so inch long span this time around. I also found the Blair Line and Walthers websites to be useful resources when choosing this kit.

If you want a mildly challenging kit to build which looks super realistic when done then I highly recommend this bridge for nearly any era! Happy building!!

The HO scale kit sells for $28.95 and the N scale kit sells for $24.95. For more information visit the Blair Line website.

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