Video: Con-Cor HO scale Burlington Zephyr
| Last updated on November 3, 2020
See and hear the Digital Command Control (DCC) sound-equipped Con-Cor Burlington Zephyr run on the HO scale Milwaukee, Racine & Troy model railroad
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| Last updated on November 3, 2020
See and hear the Digital Command Control (DCC) sound-equipped Con-Cor Burlington Zephyr run on the HO scale Milwaukee, Racine & Troy model railroad
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Looks and runs good
I bought the 4th car a few years ago. VERY disappointed! It was in dull grey plastic, instead of the stainless steel finish of the original model. Looks ridiculous!A complete waste of an expensive purchase from overseas. I am NOT impressed with the quality control of Con Cor.
i will have to buy one now to run on the CV&WS model railroad layout in olmsted falls ohio
Beautiful model, nice interior lighting and stainless steel look, the sound hoever is a bit weak, and the horn was not very loud at all, nice lighting features. Overall not bad, the sound could use a better speaker, possibly upgrade to a Tsunami decoder.
It ran as if it was the real train on a railroad.
Grace – "this was of no use to me" isn't helpful either. Most people don't model the CBQ, fewer in that era, but at least it's a historically interesting train.
This looks like a very nice model which I would certainly like to have (but in N-scale). I had a chance to inspect the first Zepher in 12" to the foot in 1933 at the Century of Progress in Chicago. In fact i was there when it arrived in Chicago. I was 5 at the time, but I still remember it.
In your video you mention that' "Function 6 on the DCC throttle increases the rpms. Please note the term is RPM, "revolutions per minute", not minutes. Other than that a nice look at your layout. I would have liked to have seen it cross the bridge in the background of opening shot of Dana Kawalas' open. Thanks for the rant!
Watching these videos is a great tool in helping me decide what I would like to purchase. Good job. Keep them coming. gwr
This kind of video is a great service to the manufacturers and to modelers. I like being able to watch the equipment move, see the lighting effects, and hear the sounds. Some of the above comments find the sound aspect less than ideal. Two thoughts on that: (1) My laptop does not have great sound fidelity, so I'm sure I don't hear a fair representation of the model's capability. (2) Many modelers play sounds way too loud IMO. A train 300 yards away is quieter than it is up close.
Very realistic. I love the scenery! The land looks just like Wisconsin. The cows near the tracks are a great addition. The Zephyr has great detaile and sound! Keep up the good work!!!
They certainly could have done a lot more with the sound than what they did, it sounds like a sick cow's mating call. I read the review and it really does not appeal to me that well. Im sure its a good engine and with a speaker upgrade and a better sound control decoder it will sound a lot better
Great model, excellent detailing, but as with so many others, the horn sounds weak and tinny. Presentation is MR's usual outstanding level. You let the model speak for itself.
As I only model steam power, this was of no use to me
I love that scenery with the Zephyer and the sound to
Disappointed–control & lighting is good, but sound could be much better. Also, finish is only paint, not metal like other manufacturers (such as CZ cars by BLI & some diesel panels such as Athearn AT&SF, etc.); this could have been done for the price that Con Cor charges.
I must say this is a beautiful model of a very cool train. The sound and DCC features are impressive.
The Boston & Maine had a set almost identical to the Zepher. Would be tempted to buy two of these with an eye to modify the 2nd to a B&M Flying Yankee (I think that is what it was called). Nice set-would like to see the additional coach in the set too.
I would like to see someone produce a copy of the Flying Yankee. The only funtioning version of the Budd trains that will be fully functional in a few years. It is presently being restored in Lincoln NH.
nice looking model. Heard the rpm's increase but could just barely hear the horn
It would be nice to also have a video of the N-scale version.