East Troy Industrial Park, Ep. 5 | Transferring a track plan

In this episode, David demonstrates a simple process for plotting the track plan for the HO scale East Troy Industrial Park (ETIP) model railroad onto the essential layer of subroadbed material. After measuring twice, he then shows the next steps to carefully cutting out the parts and pieces needed to assemble a foundation for layout […]

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East Troy Industrial Park, Ep. 4 | Installing the backdrop

To make their future construction efforts a bit easier, David and Bryson work to install the backdrop for the East Troy Industrial Park (ETIP) model railroad now! Don’t miss their tips and tricks for keeping this essential, scene-setting hardboard component in place along the back of the entire layout. Be sure to keep up with […]

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The Green Bay Area Model Railroaders Club layout in HO scale

The track plan for the Green Bay Area Model Railroader Club layout

Facts and features Name: Green Bay Area Model Railroaders ClubScale: HO (1:87.1)Size: 26 x 68 feetPrototype: Green Bay Western, Chicago & North Western, and Milwaukee RoadLocale: Fox Valley, northeast WisconsinEra: 1950 to 1976Style: walkaroundMainline run: 2,000 feetMinimum radius: 42″Minimum turnout: No. 8 on mainlineMaximum grade: 3%Benchwork: Open gridHeight: 423∕4” to 491∕2“Roadbed: corkTrack: Atlas code 100 […]

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The Wheeling & Lake Erie Ohio River Division layout in HO scale

The track plan for the Wheeling & Lake Erie Ohio River Division layout

Facts and features Name: Wheeling & Lake Erie Ry. Scale: HO (1:87.1)Size: 27 x 44 feet (in three rooms)Prototype: original W&LE Ry.Locale: southeastern Ohio, West VirginiaEra: 1957Style: linear walkaroundMainline run: 115 feetMinimum radius: 30″ (main), 24″ (industrial)Minimum turnout: No. 6 (main), No. 4 (steel mill)Maximum grade: 1.75%Benchwork: shelf Height: 551∕2” to 571∕2“Roadbed: HO and N […]

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Build a large scale planter

small planter with track, plants, and train

While traveling, I came upon an operating large scale layout that was a circle of track attached to the top of a whiskey barrel planter that had been cut in half. I thought that it would be fun to build something like that for our front porch, but wanted something a little larger and less […]

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Model Railroader Tips & Tricks | Building L-girders

Building L-girders| Watch and learn as David Popp demonstrates how to assemble one of the most essential and versatile components of a model railroad! You can learn more about benchwork construction in the East Troy Industrial Park project layout video, “Building a frame”. Plus, you’ll want to be sure to find other helpful videos like […]

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East Troy Industrial Park, Ep. 3 | Adding legs to the frame

Host David Popp and Bryson Sleppy work to raise the wood framework of their East Troy Industrial Park (ETIP) model railroad off the ground. Watch as they share how to plan, construct, and install the legs for a nearly any layout. And don’t miss the simple, yet extraordinarily helpful insights the crew shares in Model […]

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Model Railroader Tips & Tricks | Adjusting leg height

Adjusting leg height| In instances where the floor isn’t quite as flat as it looks, David Popp shows how to install adjustable feet or glides on layout legs…and then use them to level out any troublesome height discrepancies across your model railroad! You can also read about this technique in the Trains.com article, “How to […]

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4 x 8-foot layout upgrades

Color rendering of HO scale track plan.

Q: I have two oval tracks, one inside the other, on a piece of 4 x 8 plywood. Just running a train around each track is boring. My funds are very limited. Do you have any suggestions as to how to make this more fun? — Elaine King A: Since space is at a premium […]

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