Frank Knautz’s realistic O gauge layout
| Last updated on September 29, 2022
Frank Knautz's 11 x 11-foot O gauge railroad honors the memory of his father and showcases the trains they enjoyed together during Frank's childhood.
| Last updated on September 29, 2022
Frank Knautz's 11 x 11-foot O gauge railroad honors the memory of his father and showcases the trains they enjoyed together during Frank's childhood.
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Nice job, love the fact that there is no train shelves in the background. That is what it's all about. Great!
This is a great layout and I will use a number of the ideas on my new layout being built this spring of 2015, Great layout, thanks!!
A postwar layout with scale scenery! Very well done.
You are gifted in modeling. Excellent work. Keep submitting videos.
I truly enjoyed your layout. You are a real artist. I like your philosophy of postwar with realism. I would like to see your ideas for third level in the future.
Fantastic layout! My dad sold Cadillacs and some of his customers gave their old trains to him in the 1960's because he told them he had two young boys at home.My brother Paul and I spent many hours building our layout. I still have the trains and though I run them only at christmas one day I will have a layout.
Amazing ! Just the gretest ive seen. I just wish I could put together something like this. Thanks.
Beautiful! I could watch a much longer series of still photos of the superbly crafted scenery and buildings. I especially enjoyed the run-by of the freight with the little 027 double-door boxcars. Although I run near-scale equipment on my layout, I love those little cars. They're just so darned cute!
Dear Frank,
Your layout takes me back many years to when I first received my Lionel 675 "Pennsy" 2-6-2 train set. As I progressed with my father's help I assembled several other post war trains and I tried to always make the layout as realistic as I could manage. I scratch built structures & even rolling stock that was not available from manufacturers during the fifties & early 60's. Your layout design & execution is really splendid! Well, done, Frank. Merry Christmas to you and yours and a very Happy New Year as well!
Hello Frank – I usually don't post much but I want to thank you for sharing all your great work. I have followed your progress from the beginning when you first showed a shelve mounted to the wall with track on it. I thought to myself "what is this guy doing". You need a piece of plywood or form board painted green on a table…. boy was I wrong! You have captured that special feeling that many of us have for the old post war lionel trains. Your layout showcased what a gifted artist and craftsman can do with just plain old lionel 027 track. The old webpage you used to have was also a pleasure to read and also had the touch of a pro. Thanks again to you and CTT for sharing.
My wife just stated. Maybe we ought to get the tree early this year so you can set up the train and enjoy it longer. Guys like Frank are the best. I have a layout that needs him!! Happy Holidays. Trains and Christmas!
I followed your work from the beginning. Congrats on building the finest layout I have witnessed on the web! Top shelf work all the way down the pike– you da man!
Would have loved to seen it in person.
Hello Frank- I have been a subscriber since the 2nd issue of CTT-your layout ranks up in the top 3 ever published. Well done! The overall effect is stunning… Your comments on different aspects of layout building were well thought out and simply expressed. Each topic was appropriate. My roots are in Postwar Lionel also.
Above all else- this layout is "doable". Smaller size, no crazy electronics and things just run like they should…more fun more often.
this for me, is what model trains are all about…modest means, in an average size bedroom, doing and remembering what you love and carying it off beautifully. the best i've ever seen in a bedroom…i'm pea green with envy.
Awesome layout! So sorry that it is gone now. I would very much have liked to see it in person. Great job, Frank.
simple amazing job
This is approximately the space I have, and I have been formulating almost the same track plan! I would like to know, what track/switches he uses, radii of curves, etc. (Looks like some 022 swiches, with the stands hidden inside buildings) What method did he use for the streets? They look great.
The layout and scenery are outstanding, nice mix of trains. All the street stuff looks like an old movie. Loved the whole layout, did a super great job. A lot of work well done, thanks for sharing.
Wow , the skill shows!
Frank has a beautiful layout that appears to be much larger than it really is. He has achieved a good balance. It does not look over crowded. Great work!
Great! And the music was cool too.
Frank, I like your layout and that "crazy" background jazz music!
very real street views well done. great background for trains.good memory makers.