Fall 2021

In this Issue

As the North Western’s “goodwill ambassador,” Ten-Wheeler 1385 thrilled thousands in the 1980s

A Rock Island engineer finds refuge — and a different style of railroading — on the Cotton Belt

Straddling the Virginia-Tennessee state line, Bristol was a showcase of steam and classic diesels in the late 1950s

The massive Hell Gate Bridge was a towering stage for Penn Central and Amtrak action in the 1970s

The Milwaukee’s 89-foot, 266-ton electrics were more than just brawny freight haulers

B&M steam and diesel trains at White River Junction, Vt.

When the past masqueraded as the future in the cabs of two early Amtrak trains

An admirer of Fairbanks-Morse locomotives encounters them south of the border
Welcome Camelot in Dairyland
Head End A potpourri railroad history, then and now
Fast Mail Letters from readers on our Summer 2021 issue
True Color Frisco’s Will Rogers at St. Louis
Mileposts Commentary by Kevin P. Keefe
The Way It Was Tales from railfans and railroaders
Classic Today R&LHS turns 100
Car Stop Bamberger Railroad
Bumping Post Southern at Knoxville