Spring 2023
Classic Trains Spring 2023 Issue

In this Issue

Looking back on a railroad love affair that dovetailed with a railroad publishing career for more than 50 years

A colorful and well-timed catch on the new CSX

It wasn’t all Amtrak, either: thank goodness for the Rio Grande Zephyr

Throughout the fifties, pals Bob Townley and Walt Vielbaum recorded a now-lost world of steam, diesel, and traction

As a student fireman, I experienced a lifetime of adventures

Burlington Route Football Specials converge on Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 31, 1964

A Penn Central passenger train provides a window on 1970s railroading

A survey of the oldest locomotives Amtrak inherited in 1971
Welcome Change is in the air
Head End A potpourri of railroad history, then and now
Fast Mail Letters from readers on our Winter 2022 issue
Mileposts Commentary by Kevin P. Keefe
True Color Flavors of 45s on the Santa Fe
Short Rails Northwestern Steel & Wire at Sterling, Ill.
Passenger Perspective New York Central’s 20th Century Limited
The Way It Was Tales from railfans and railroaders
Car Stop Roll-on, roll-off paper cars
Bumping Post St. Joseph, Mo.