Summer 2021

In this Issue

A USA Rail Pass was a ticket to a 9,400-mile adventure

A 1947 trip from Alberta to Texas involved trains, a Greyhound bus, a DC-3, and a horse-drawn truck

A day trip to Louisville turns dicey for two young railfans

A 1965 journey from Iowa to Washington, D.C., and back involved five trains, four railroads, and rare mileage

Rides on the Gasp Peninsula in 1962 made lasting impression for a teenage railfan

From 4-4-0 to 4-6-2 to 4-8-8-2, the locomotives that moved us took many forms

A ride on the last NH/CV Washingtonian capped a summer of exploration and independence

Grand Rapids–Detroit train 4 at Trowbridge, Mich., in 1940

A job on an NYC track gang was a great way to spend the last summer before college

With a Leica and a Porsche, Ron Hill chased the Great Northern in the 1960s

Battling snow, finding efficiencies, and building morale on C&NW’s Wisconsin Division
Welcome The most exciting sound
Head End A potpourri railroad history, then and now
Fast Mail Letters from readers on our Spring 2021 issue
True Color One fine day on Sand Patch
Mileposts Commentary by Kevin P. Keefe
The Way It Was Tales from railfans and railroaders
Car Stop Winnipeg trolleys
Bumping Post PRR’s Pittsburgh station