Classic Trains is a quarterly magazine celebrating the “golden years of railroading.” Each issue covers the North American railroad scene from the 1920s to the late 1970s with extraordinary photographs and compelling writing. Giant steam locomotives, colorful streamliners, down-home local trains, great passenger terminals, recollections of railroaders and train-watchers . . . they’re all in the pages of Classic Trains.
The First PA’s: the agony, the ecstasy, and the legacy
Mr. Fogg, No. 603, and the Inextinguishable Lehigh Valley
The Mighty 800
New York Central’s Steam Stepchildren
Pittsburgh’s Little-Known Carfloats
The Shaughnessy Files: In Service to the Royals
Classics Today: Royal Restoration
Diesels South
Bird’s-Eye View
One Day at . . . Sanford, Fla.
Editor’s Page
Riding behind steam royalty on the Southern
Meet this issue’s crew
True Color
BAR Geeps on the PRR in Cleveland
Fast Mail
Letters from our readers
Fallen Flags Remembered
Duluth, Winnipeg & Pacific
Workin’ on the Railroad
Iron men, wooden cars: C&NW caboose crews in subzero weather
The Way It Was
Racing South on the Southern Belle (KCS) • Catching the Gulf Wind (L&N, SAL) • Journeys on World War II Troop Trains
Car Stop
North Shore Line streetcars
Ready Track
Brief reviews of new books and DVD’s
Bumping Post
A temporary “Pullman City” in Washington for President Eisenhower’s inauguration