101452-2https://www.trains.com/ctr/photos-videos/photo-of-the-day/101452-2/Terminal Station - TrainsTerminal Station Daniel Burnham designed the Southern Railway’s monumental Terminal Station in New Orleans in 1908, just after his Washington Union Station opened. Terminal faced Canal Street at Basin until it was razed in 1956. James G. La Vake photo [...]Read More...https://www.trains.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/20210518.jpgInStockUSD1.001.00photo-of-the-dayphotos-videosarticleCTR2021-05-122021-05-18101452
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Daniel Burnham designed the Southern Railway’s monumental Terminal Station in New Orleans in 1908, just after his Washington Union Station opened. Terminal faced Canal Street at Basin until it was razed in 1956. James G. La Vake photo