baldwins-best’s best? - TrainsBaldwin’s best? Baldwin’s best-known diesels are its sharknose cab units, in particular the DR-4-4-15 and RF-16 freight units that became favorites among railfans. Here DR-4-4-15 demonstrator 6001 and a booster pause at Des Moines, Iowa, on the Wabash in 1950. Louis A. Marre collection [...]Read More...
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Baldwin’s best-known diesels are its sharknose cab units, in particular the DR-4-4-15 and RF-16 freight units that became favorites among railfans. Here DR-4-4-15 demonstrator 6001 and a booster pause at Des Moines, Iowa, on the Wabash in 1950. Louis A. Marre collection
One thought on “Baldwin’s best?”
This is an excellent portrait of a powerful-looking machine.
This is an excellent portrait of a powerful-looking machine.