emigrant-gaphttps://www.trains.com/ctr/photos-videos/photo-of-the-day/emigrant-gap/Emigrant Gap - TrainsEmigrant Gap The caboose roof glistens with moisture as Southern Pacific Extra 6311 East climbs through the Donner Pass mist at storied Emigrant Gap, 65 miles out of Roseville and nearly a mile above sea level in October 1957. Philip R. Hastings photo [...]Read More...https://www.trains.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/20210615.jpgInStockUSD1.001.00photo-of-the-dayphotos-videosarticleCTR2021-06-112021-06-15103017
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The caboose roof glistens with moisture as Southern Pacific Extra 6311 East climbs through the Donner Pass mist at storied Emigrant Gap, 65 miles out of Roseville and nearly a mile above sea level in October 1957. Philip R. Hastings photo