ic-geeps-on-a-meat-trainhttps://www.trains.com/ctr/photos-videos/photo-of-the-day/ic-geeps-on-a-meat-train/IC Geeps on a meat train | Classic Trains MagazineClassic Trains magazine celebrates the 'golden years of railroading' including the North American railroad scene from the late 1920s to the late 1970s. Giant steam locomotives, colorful streamliners, great passenger trains, passenger terminals, timeworn railroad cabooses, recollections of railroaders and train-watchers.https://www.trains.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/20151112.jpgInStockUSD1.001.00photo-of-the-dayphotos-videosarticleCTR2021-12-172022-01-0743757
Three Illinois Central GP7s on a train of refrigerator cars loaded with meat from Iowa stand in western Illinois, waiting for a stopped train ahead, in 1958.
William D. Middleton photo