mixed-trainhttps://www.trains.com/ctr/photos-videos/photo-of-the-day/mixed-train/Mixed train - TrainsMixed train Internal stairways on some of the Sant Fe’s Hi-Level cars enable them to operate with single-level equipment. Here, a Hi-Level is mated with a sleeping car when the all-Pullman Super Chief and all-coach El Capitan were running as a combined train. Wallace W. Abbey photo [...]Read More...https://www.trains.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/20210629.jpgInStockUSD1.001.00photo-of-the-dayphotos-videosarticleCTR2021-06-172021-06-29103238
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Internal stairways on some of the Sant Fe’s Hi-Level cars enable them to operate with single-level equipment. Here, a Hi-Level is mated with a sleeping car when the all-Pullman Super Chief and all-coach El Capitan were running as a combined train. Wallace W. Abbey photo