Classic Toy Trains Magazine Contributor Guidelines

Contributor Guidelines

By Rene Schweitzer | October 19, 2020

| Last updated on March 10, 2025

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We publish articles on all aspects of collecting and operating O and S gauge toy trains. A look through one or two back issues of Classic Toy Trains is the best way to get an idea of the kinds of material we’re interested in.

Before you submit an article, we recommend that you write to let us know exactly what you have in mind. We then can tell you if your proposed article fits our needs or if we like a different approach than what you have in mind. Email with your idea and a sample photo.

In general, we’re always looking for articles describing or comparing:

• various historical toy trains or accessories
• current and interesting layouts
• how to build a structure or repair a locomotive, car, or accessory
• the history and collectibility of vintage trains products or a rare piece

If you have an idea on a subject you haven’t seen us cover, write and ask. We’re always interested in new ideas.

Please note: manuscripts are paid for upon publication. You will be paid within 60 days of publication.


Present your subject simply and directly. Try to keep in mind the main point: what’s new, different, or exciting about this subject, not only to yourself, but to other readers? Then, think about how you would discuss the main point more fully, as if you were trying to explain the point to a friend. Every article should have a brief introduction, followed by the body of the article, and a conclusion. Keep the article as brief as you can while still covering the subject; limit your topic to a manageable size. Our payment is based on the length of the published article, not the length of the submitted article, so there’s no advantage to writing long.

However, with how-to articles, feel free to explain each step in as much detail as necessary. If you have doubts about including some how-to detail, leave it in; too much information is rarely a problem. Also, with how-to articles, include a separate list of materials used to repair or make the item. Organize the list by manufacturer, along with corresponding product numbers and names. With everything related to a how-to article, be specific. Something may seem obvious to you, but our readers may not know some of the basics. Please help them by including as much detail as possible.

Submitting your manuscript

You may choose to submit articles by mail or electronically. Via mail, send everything for one article in one package with cardboard stiffeners to protect photos and drawings. You may submit your article on a DVD or CD. We will accept any article formatted as a text only/Google Drive/Microsoft Word file. Always include a printout as well as the disk in the mailing. Also, include a cover letter with your name, address, email, and daytime phone number.

Address your package “To the Editor, Classic Toy Trains” and also mark it in the lower left corner “Manuscript Enclosed.” We’ll return articles we can’t use if you include return postage. We won’t consider articles that are submitted simultaneously to other toy train publications.

You may submit your article electronically via email at Please contact us for online submissions. We can provide a link for uploading larger files. We also have an FTP site for uploading items.

Photo Album

Send your best pictures of all toy train subjects to:

CTT Photo Album
c/o Firecrown Media
18650 W. Corporate Dr., Ste. 103
Brookfield WI 53045

Be sure to include your name, address, and daytime phone number; a description of each image, including the gauge and make of the train and the name of the photographer or layout owner if he or she is someone other than you. Digital photos must be taken with a 3.3-megapixel or higher camera; file sizes less than about 1 mg cannot be used. Digital photos can be submitted on a CD/flash drive, they can be emailed to If your photo is published in the magazine, we will pay you $50.

The PDFs below have some tips to help you get the best shot of your trains and layout.



Have a comment on a story or toy train topic? Email us or write “CTT Correspondence” on your letter and mail it to:

Classic Toy Trains
c/o Firecrown Media
18650 W. Corporate Dr., Ste. 103
Brookfield WI 53045


Questions & Answers

Have a question about operating new or old toy trains? Email us or write “Questions & Answers” on your letter and mail it to the above address. Due to the volume of mail, we unfortunately cannot answer each question personally.


Tips, Tools & Techniques

Have a tip or technique to share? Email us or write “Tips” on your letter and mail it to the above address.


Layout feature stories

If you’d like to have your layout featured in our magazine, please send a query first. Email with a paragraph describing your layout and its features. Include 2-3 snapshots of your layout with your email. Someone will respond to you.


Product news and reviews

If you are a manufacturer or supplier and would like to see your products in CTT, email product information and high-resolution photos to

If you would like to have a product reviewed, we’d appreciate a query first to the above email. Our mailing address is:

Classic Toy Trains
c/o Firecrown Media
18650 W. Corporate Drive. Ste 103
Brookfield WI 54530

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