lionel-trains-best-layouts-store-displays Trains: Best Layouts & Store Displays | Classic Toy Trains MagazineClassic Toy Trains magazine offers information about toy trains operating and collecting, toy train product news and reviews, toy train layout tips, toy train layout designs and track plans, and more. We feature Lionel, American Flyer, MTH, Atlas O, Williams Trains, K-Line, Weaver Models, and more.InStockUSD1.001.00issuesmagazinearticleCTT2020-11-032020-10-1914014
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Lionel’s displays and layouts left an unforgettable impression on those who used viewed them in stores from the 1920s through 1960s. Today, it’s difficult to find these display layouts, and collectors pay as much as $10,000 to acquire them. This 116-page high-quality keepsake shows you why these layouts are so remarkable, and why they’re cherished by Lionel fans everywhere.