News & Reviews Product Reviews Menards Sooty’s Mine Shaft

Menards Sooty’s Mine Shaft

By Rene Schweitzer | March 11, 2025

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Menards continues to add to their line of industrial structures. A little more than a year ago, they introduced Sooty’s Coal Tipple, and have now added an O gauge Sooty’s Mine Shaft to the lineup.

Shaft mining is a method of excavation that accesses an ore deposit from the top down. The term “shaft” refers to the vertical underground tunnels dug from the surface. Subshafts are tunnels dug from the underground up toward the surface.

The structure is made up of the headframe (the windowed structure and associated supports) and the sheave wheel. It measures 8” x 5” and is about 10” high at the top of the sheave wheel. 

two figures next to a building with a dog nearby
Two workers discuss upcoming tasks for the day, while Jack keeps watch near the headframe door. Rene Schweitzer photo

Four figures are included: Two near the entrance of the headframe, and two near the sheave wheel. I like the detail of the helmets with battery-powered lamps on all of the figures. Of course, Jack the German shepherd rests quietly near the headframe.

The base is detailed with groundcover, oil drums, and lots of spilled coal.

The structure itself is weathered (as a well-used mine shaft would be) and contains Sooty’s graphics in three locations on the headframe.

The mine shaft includes a neat detail–not only does it light up, but the sheave wheel rotates. That is pretty cool!

front of mine shaft structure
Cody Grivno photo

The structure does require Menard’s 4.5-volt power supply (No. 2794061, 2794062, or 2794050, sold separately), that may be connected either over the tabletop through a receptacle on the lower back wall, or from below with a pigtail connector.

This item has a small footprint and could easily find a place on any layout. Order online and remember that shipping to any Menards store for pickup is free.

back of mine shaft structure
Cody Grivno photo

Menards Sooty’s Mine Shaft (275-9405)

Features: Rotating sheave wheel, illumination, scenery details, four figures

MSRP: $39.99


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