O gauge One Police Plaza from Menards
Price: $99.99 (No. 2794435) Dimensions: 12 inches wide, 10 3/8 inches deep, 13 1/8 inches high. Features: Helicopter with rotating rotor blades, helipad with blinking landing lights, six police figures, and Jack the German shepherd. Power: Requires a 4.5-volt AC to DC power adapter, sold separately (Menards Nos. 279-4061, 4062, or 4050). Order: www.menards.com/trains. Shipping is additional or opt for free delivery to your local Menards.
Most model railroads are built slightly below eye-level, so adding an interesting element or two to rooftops makes a lot of sense. Menards delivers on this concept in a big way with its latest factory assembled, limited-edition O gauge structure. The roof of the five-story One Police Plaza (No. 279-4435) grabs your attention with a helipad ringed by alternating flashing red and white LEDs and a police helicopter complete with slowly turning rotor blades.
Measuring 12 inches wide and 103/8 inches deep and standing 131/8 inches high, the modern design of the building fits in nicely alongside recent Menards city-themed structures, such as the Nos. 279-4432 Tampa Towers, 279-3972 World Headquarters, and 279-3973 York Hotel Royale.
Four police figures and Jack the German shepherd guard the entrances to the building. In a nice detail, this level includes several planters filled with greenery. A strip of 14 LEDs mounted under the overhanging upper floors brightly illuminates the sideway and doorways.
In common with many larger Menards structures, the sidewalls of One Police Plaza include removable sections to allow a train run-through passage. Left in place, the sections include garage doors and a sign advertising all-day public parking.
The interior of the police station is not illuminated. The windows have the appearance of heavily tinted plate glass.
Eye in the sky
The helicopter and helipad are the highlights of the building. In addition to the spinning blades of the helicopter, I was impressed by the nine white and nine red flashing LEDs ringing the helipad. Another great detail is the blinking aircraft warning lights mounted at the corners of the roof annex of the building. Two more police figures complete this action-packed scene.
I counted 36 LEDs built into this structure – and I may have missed a couple! Even with the overhead lights on in the train room, One Police Plaza’s LED effects and animated helicopter are easily seen.
Taken as a whole, this building has an arresting appearance!