Williams by Bachmann 4-6-2 Pacific locomotive
| Last updated on February 11, 2021
| Last updated on February 11, 2021
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Nice engine, but the price is way out of line compared to others with more features and remote control.
I have the green Southern "Crescent" original K-Line version and it appears the Bachman unit is the same regarding one chuff per driver revolution. This is my only disappointment for a great model- I would like more chuffs. Chuffs are timed with a micro switch actuated by the driver wheels that failed early in running, but K-Line sent me a new one free which has worked for years. That has been the only failure to date. The K-Line 4-6-2 has a cast tender, so I am sorry to hear that Bachman saw fit do plastic with their re-issue. K-Line also included a lot of extras such as replacement light bulbs, front engine coupler for dead heading (the engine came with a scale front coupler), smoke fluid and traction tires with the engine. I rarely see any mention of the "extras" in reviews and believe readers would appreciate this info (I have seen reviews which note a parts listing Bachman includes- good deal!).
Was the smoke unit turned off?
Looks and sounds great
Seems very nice with good detail and probably bulletproof Williams operation.