News & Reviews Product Reviews E-Z Street trucks from Williams by Bachmann

E-Z Street trucks from Williams by Bachmann

By Bob Keller | March 18, 2016

| Last updated on February 11, 2021

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5 thoughts on “E-Z Street trucks from Williams by Bachmann

  1. How equivalent is the motor speed from one vehicle to another? In other words, if one is running multiple vehicles on the same convoluted loop, will one eventually catch up with another one in front of it or will they maintain a respectable distance from one another? Lionel’s modern DC-motored trolleys run nicely on E-Z Streets but again I don’t know how their speed equates to that of the Bachmann vehicles.

  2. Not mentioned in the review but do these vehicles run in both directions or simply just forward? Also, there appears to be no working head or tail lights. At a MSRP of $99.00 these features should be expected. Most Lionel “Speeders” are in this price range and have these very basic operating features.

  3. Gil- I suspect one of the light weight “Dimestore Dreams” trailers would do just fine being one of these trucks. Just a guess, though.

  4. It would be a nice touch if they put a driver in the vehicles, as it looks just a little wierd for an empty truck to be driving along, This product looks to be really well done.

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