Videos & Photos Videos Layouts Layout Visits David Smith’s O gauge holiday display

David Smith’s O gauge holiday display

By David Smith | October 18, 2013

| Last updated on March 22, 2024

This 4 x 6-foot under-the-tree display fits plenty of holiday train action into a compact space with room for a full-size tree.

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David Smith’s 4 x 6-foot O gauge holiday display uses a pie-shaped platform to run his toy trains under a full-size Christmas tree. Learn how to build this attractive and compact display bursting with holiday cheer in the December issue.

25 thoughts on “David Smith’s O gauge holiday display

  1. Inspirational. To think I had Marx trains as a child (1942-46) and wrecked them, That Christmas layout was perfect and my 7 grandchildren would love to watch them today.

  2. great MARX tinplate application– certainly brings out the best attributes of Marx tin plate and the inner child in all of us- High lining is great , when you have the time, talent , and expertise to work at it – BUT Marx is no work- just pure unadulterated fun and total escapism .. Truly , the mark of a great hobby–

  3. What is it that make Christmas so much more special than Trains under the Christmas tree… In the sixty + years I still can remember laying on the floor as a kid watching pops Lionel 2-6-2 2025 pulling those 3 beauiful green and yellow 2400 series cars with there lights all aglow, around, and around the tree. Aha to be a kid again. Great video, and even greater Marx trains.

  4. This is such a great idea – I'm going to try putting one together to surprise my granddaughters this Christmas! Thanks!

  5. Truly wonderful to watch Marx trains in action. A real treat filled with memories of Christmas's past. Thank you!

  6. This is a real source of inspiration! Thanks for posting and great camera work. Nothing like trains for Christmas!

  7. Super video. The is nuthin sez "Christmas" like toy trains under the tree (And yes boys 'n girls, I do know how to spell "nothing" and "says".). Kudos.

  8. Great Job, you made this so much fun to watch. Great sounds and photography. I have some of the same signals and gates on my display. Brings back memories of the Christmas when I was a child. Thanks for taking the time to share!

  9. The Marx M 10000 was the first train I ever had. I still have it and am going to set up the same Christmas platform with all the same buildings from 1957. You gave me inspiration. Thanks.

  10. you forget over time how much fun and fantasy the Marx brand always had and, they always ran…still do for that matter..beautiful job

  11. Very nice. Great fun comes from this every year and it looks so very simple to re-create. Thanks for sharing this.

  12. David, Please accept my thanks for sharing your layout and trains with us. It is all so great. I have a 999 set with the 8 wheel cars and the same UP 10005 streamliner as yours. I have always liked Marx, for looks and operation. You never beat the prices, in the '50s the 4 wheel cars sold for 25 c in the 5 & 10! I paid $4'.00 for my 10005 , in the box, complete, at a garage sale. Thanks again!

  13. Now this really inspires me to make plans and get a layout constructed now, before we move into the Retirement Home in a year or two. I was thinking that a layout around the room would be the way to go, but in my older age, I have learned to try to scale down my plans!

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