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Flyer fun is the thing!

By Angela Cotey | November 17, 2017

| Last updated on February 11, 2021

Al Marotta breaks all the rules on his 8 x 15 S gauge layout

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11 thoughts on “Flyer fun is the thing!

  1. enjoyed counting the 32 cars and seeing other Flyer marvels. Had Flyer as a child, but not as greatly exhibited as yours. thanks for sharing.

  2. Very nice S scale layout. I really enjoyed the long freight with many different cars. The layout has plenty of action with the multiple trains running at the same time.

  3. Fantastic ,at least 5 trains and I called the wife to see but she went downstairs. She didn’t hear me ; I believe I’ll watch again . Someone spent a lot of care and time to make this jewel a reality . Great . Great Great.

  4. Great layout. Really nice to see a S gauge featured. The 32 or was it 33 car unit was even better. Long live American Flyer.

  5. Terrific layout Al. I always had Lionel or Marx but envied American Flyer two rail track. After seeing this layout I may buy some S gauge items at the next York. Well done!

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