Spectacular scenery on an O gauge layout: When layouts with a New York setting appear in Classic Toy Trains, they typically highlight passenger traffic moving in and out of Grand Central Terminal or freight trains delivering perishables to New York City. On those O gauge railroads, the Pennsylvania RR or the New Haven dominates, especially if the builder likes electric-profile locomotives, such as GG1s or EP5s.
But if you travel north along the Hudson River until you reach Albany, the railroad scene changes dramatically. The landscape looks different, and the cities to the west along the Mohawk River near the eastern terminus of the Erie Canal have an aura all their own. This is the part of the Empire State I model on a 20 x 32-foot three-rail layout named the Bellevue & Schenectady RR. Come along to explore its network and facilities, and learn why realism is of the utmost importance to me.
Don Klose has designed the Bellevue & Schenectady Railroad, an O gauge layout that’s 20 x 32 feet. It features GarGraves track, Ross Custom Switches, a variety of motive power, and detailed scenery.
See Don’s track plan of the Bellevue & Schenectady.