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This flexible layout can be changed in a day

By Angela Cotey | October 17, 2014

| Last updated on February 11, 2021

Robert Cone built a unique three-rail empire of almost infinite variety

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Read the entire article, only in the December 2014 issue!

11 thoughts on “This flexible layout can be changed in a day

  1. A joy to watch. The trains are most colorful and ran well.
    Good work and thank you for the pleasure via Video.

  2. When my dad returned from WWII, he brought with him a 3/16ths American Flyer O-Gauge set. I was two years old. I still have them. This great layout re-kindled some fond memories. Thanks.

  3. Fantastic layout,who remember me the ones that we saw here in Belgium during the Christmas time,By the way I have the same trains and even some of them came from ex-Belgian Congo, bought during WWII, and probably imported at Leopoldville in 1940-41,they realy great toy trains and I love to use its on my O and S gauge,bravo

  4. After reading the article, I had to watch the video. This is great seeing those
    pre-war American Flyer O gauge trains running. While I was started with post war Gilbert American Flyer and saw much Lionel in the 1950's, when I saw an under the tree layout my uncle set up, I was amazed by the American Flyer O gauge trains. I still setup my Gilbert American Flyer S gauge. Watching this video brought back warm feelings of the first view of American Flyer O. Thanks Robert for creating this layout. I love it.

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