How To Completed Indoor Layouts Large scale indoor club layout

Large scale indoor club layout

By Dale van Ingen | December 22, 2021

| Last updated on January 14, 2022

A live-steam train club hosts this compact indoor display

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view of a small large-scale layout
A large-scale engine near a model station
A section of a large-scale layout
view of a small large-scale layout
Model switcher approaching model station
close up scene on a model large-scale display
Close up scene on a model large-scale display
view of a small large-scale layout
A large-scale engine near a model station
A section of a large-scale layout
view of a small large-scale layout
Model switcher approaching model station
close up scene on a model large-scale display
Close up scene on a model large-scale display

This small large-scale layout resides in the clubhouse of the Southern California Live Steamers. Photo by Dale van Ingen


This large scale indoor club layout started life as a custom build of a local large-scale collector.

The 8-by-11-foot board had been unused for at least a decade and I immediately knew where this display would be best displayed — at the 7.5” gauge, 1.5” scale live-steam train club that I belong to. Many of its members also collect large-scale equipment.

This large scale indoor club layout resides in the clubhouse where we hold our meetings. I have spent time decorating and making the layout look like a fictional local town. Within the layout, there is a N scale loop, a little homage to our club. Eventually we will open the clubhouse to display the layout as well as some of our collectible live-steam models.

The club is the Southern California Live Steamers in Torrance, Calif.

See another portable large-scale layout built by the author.

One thought on “Large scale indoor club layout

  1. Love this track plan! I’m going to adopt this and modify it for use on my new O gauge layout. Thanks for sharing!

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