How To Gardening Plant Portraits Thyme-leaf fuschia

Thyme-leaf fuschia

By Nancy Norris | December 27, 2008

| Last updated on March 15, 2024

Plant this perennial to attract hummingbirds

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Common name: Thyme-leaf fuchsia, Encliandra fuchsia
Latin name: Fuchsia thymifolia
Plant size: 2-4′ high x 2′ wide
Plant type: Perennial
USDA Hardiness Zones: 8-11
Cultural needs: Rich, moist, drained soil; sun or light shade

Thyme-leaf fuschia
Nancy Norris photo

Planting Fuchsia thymifolia in your garden railway will surely attract hummingbirds, which love the profusion of magenta tubular flowers from spring until frost. Flowers and leaves are about ½” long, thus the name, thyme-leaf fuchsia. In scale anywhere in the railway, choose a protected area from hot, drying winds and keep this plant moist. Overhead sprinklers will keep the humidity level high, which will help prevent bug infestations.

pink flower close up
Nancy Norris photo

Originally from tropical America, fuchsias propagate easily by cuttings, so gardeners in temperate zones can over-winter their plants indoors. Rooted cuttings will quickly grow to nice little trees in one season and readily take pruning or pinching back to the height you like. This bushy perennial has a clumping stem, fountain-like habit, with most blooms appearing on new growth. Regular fertilizer, such as Osmocote 14-14-14, keeps the vibrant blooms coming all season. Cut off old, woody stems at ground level when they quit blooming. A beautiful relative is the variegated form (Fuchsia thymifolia ‘Variegata’), a compact, bushy tree with cream-and-pink bands on the leaves. Hummingbird candy!

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