The railway at a glance
Name: Palmore Pacific Railroad
Size of railroad: 19′ x 50′
Scale: 1:29
Gauge: Nº 1 (45 mm)
Era: Modern day (but a steam/diesel excursion train will run from time to time)
Theme: Rural small-town USA
Age: Construction began December, 2012; Golden Spike driven August, 2013; 95% complete
Motive power: USA Trains, Aristo-Craft, LGB, and MTH locomotives
Length of mainline: 135′
Maximum gradient: 0%
Type of track: LGB
Minimum radius: 7’6″ (LGB #18000 curves)
Structures: Scratchbuilt, Piko, Colorado Model Structures, and Aristo-Craft
Control system: Battery/radio control (Cordless Renovations/Aristo-Craft Revolution); Track: G Power (MRC)