Railway at a glance
Name: Nepenthes, Gestalt, & Delirium Railway
Size of railroad: 40′ x 25′
Scale: Individual trains to various scales
Gauges: 45mm & 63.5mm
Era: Today
Theme: The garden, trains, and the gestalt that results
Age: 9 years
Motive power: On-board battery, diesel outline; live steam; a little clockwork
Length of mainline: 96′
Maximum gradient: 4%
Type of track: Llagas Creek code 215, gauge-1 flex track and handlaid, dual-gauge 1 and 3
Minimum radius: 7′ for the flextrack; 9′ for the dual-gauge track
Structures: Station platform and a small, trackside deck, both redwood
Control systems: 2.4GHz radio control for both electric and steam engines