![Visit a 1970s branch line](https://www.trains.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/GRW_union_pacific_cbq_2014.jpg)
UP/CB&Q at a glance
Name: Union Pacific & CB&Q
Size of railroad: 40′ x 40′
Scale: 1:29
Gauge: Nº 1
Era: 1970
Theme: Southern Nebraska branch line featuring joint UP & CB&Q operations
Age: 9 years
Motive power: USA Trains Alco S-4s, GP-30, GP-7, F-3
Length of mainline: 180′
Maximum gradient: 2.5%
Type of track: Aristo-Craft
Minimum radius: 4’6″
Structures: Mostly scratchbuilt
Control system: Bridgewerks Magnum 15