Garden Railways has been the leading magazine devoted to the hobby of outdoor, large-scale model railroading for more than 30 years. Each issue brings you step-by-step modeling projects, fascinating photo tours of garden railroads, unbiased product reviews, new product announcements, tips from the experts, and much more!
Plus, subscribers get exclusive online access to the Railroad Gardening Library, product reviews, project plans, bonus articles, and more. Whether you’re new to the hobby or a seasoned veteran, this magazine is for you!
GR gallery
Going from indoors to outdoors
Build a tunnel portal
The Nantlais Valley Railway
Staff corner: History in miniature
The Snow Creek Railroad
Battery power and radio control
Make those rails shine!
Modeling a ballast hopper
A brush with reality
Save those old switches
A Forney for the Greenbrier Railroad
Garden railway design & construction
From the Editor
Notes & news
Questions & Answers
Garden railway basics
Material matters
Looking back
A garden railroader’s complete guide to dwarf Alberta spruce
Online links
Plant portraits
Dwarf golden arbovitae and miniature rush
Miniaturizing trees using bonsai techniques
Scribblings on a workshop wall
A tale of the unexpected
Raising steam
Online station
Online links
Club directory
Product reviews
Accucraft live-steam Mogul, LGB starter set, and more
CVP control system
End of the line
Stuck on the rock
Insert: Plan #69
Build a 1:20.3 scale stock car
Build a 1:20.3 scale short stock car