Q: I have two oval tracks, one inside the other, on a piece of 4 x 8 plywood. Just running a train around each track is boring. My funds are very limited. Do you have any suggestions as to how to make this more fun? — Elaine King
A: Since space is at a premium on a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood, I would consider going down to a single oval. This will free up space to add turnouts, sidings, and rail-served industries. If the track salvaged from the second oval is in good shape, you can use it for the sidings, which will help save money.
I found a few ideas for 4 x 8 track plans in Starter Track Plans for Model Railroaders (Kalmbach Books, out of print). In George Sebastian-Coleman’s HO scale $500 layout, also featured in the January and February 2004 issues of Model Railroader, he turned the oval slightly so the track isn’t parallel to the edges of the table, which helps give the layout some immediate visual interest. Then he added two turnouts. One serves a lumberyard; the other serves a brewery.
On a compact layout like this, I would consider switching one industry then run the train for a few laps to give a feeling of time and distance. Then come back and serve the second industry.
If you’re looking for a plan with a bit more action, check out the Spokane Valley & Northern, which first appeared in the May 2002 MR. The HO scale layout also measures 4 x 8 feet, but it features three rail-served industries, a downtown scene, and two at-grade crossings.
An interchange track connects the fictional Spokane Valley & Northern with the Burlington Northern, giving the layout a connection to the outside world. Though the sides of the oval run parallel to the edges of the plywood, visual interest was added by running the streets at angles through the layout.
In addition to the track plans in the book, we’ve published many plans for 4 x 8-foot layouts over the years in the pages of Model Railroader.
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