How To Build a Model Railroad Nuckolls Packing structure drawings in N, HO, S, and O scales

Nuckolls Packing structure drawings in N, HO, S, and O scales

By Angela Cotey | October 24, 2011

| Last updated on November 3, 2020

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Nuckolls Packing
Nuckolls Packing is one of many structures depicted in period photos of Telluride shot from the mountain south of town and published in The RGS Story, Volume II by Russ Collman (Sundance Publications, out of print). The industry was on a siding, so it was an ideal subject for my model, which would serve as a shipping/receiving point.

The photos in the book reveal little detail, but my friend Herb Koenig was able to use them to draw plans of the structure to fit my layout space. Herb had to estimate the dimensions from the photos, and I took some liberties with his plans, but my goal was simply to capture the essence of the building.

24 thoughts on “Nuckolls Packing structure drawings in N, HO, S, and O scales

  1. Very interesting the layout of the structure, and a matter that instructive facita very for those passionate about the hobby of miniature and model train. Model Railroader Magazine always cares about its readers with excellent materials on the molding of structures, and railroads in general in all major scales.

  2. Time to order some baby building blocks from Deben and some shake shingles and start building this lil gem. Wonder what it will look like with block walls?

  3. Always looking for appropriate buildings for my N gauge layout, and I have a place already picked out for this gem! Thanks!!

  4. Looks great. But… don't leave out we Z folks. Just make them 40% of HO drawings. This building is simple enough, and big enough, to easily make possible in Z. Thank you.

  5. Great building. So many variations can be done. Will share with our new RR club. Boonslick Model Railroad Club.

  6. Nuckolls Packing was a beef and pork slaughter operation based in Pueblo Colo. Started in 1890. I suspect the facility in Telluride was a branch house which received carcasses from Pueblo, in reefers. Meal may have been shipped out in LCL reefers.

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