How To Expert Tips How to build a simple L-girder

How to build a simple L-girder

By Model Railroader Staff | March 17, 2025

This hallmark technique in the hobby is a straightforward process to assemble

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According to Model Railroader Editor Eric White, former Editor Linn H. Westcott’s L-girder benchwork has been a hallmark technique in the hobby that’s been passed down to today’s modelers. It checks off many boxes, especially being a straightforward process in its assembly. How straightforward is it? Let’s find out as we learn how to build a simple L-girder.

Two wood boards being glued together
Glueing the flange on top of the beam forms the “L” shape of the L-girder. Video

A L-girder consists of two parts: A main beam and a small flange. There’s flexibility in the type of lumber and size you can use for building one. To those looking for recommendations, Director David Popp suggests No. 2 or better-type lumber with the beam being 1” x 4” and the flange 1” x 2”.

The first step is to position and glue the flange on top of the beam to form the “L” shape — creating a solid support for the benchwork that won’t bend, twist, or warp. Any type of wood glue will suffice. C-clamps can then be used to temporarily secure the beam and flange in place while the glue sets.

Nailing two wood boards held by clamps
While you have the two pieces clamped together and the glue drying, another recommendation is to install screws or nails. Video

While you have the two pieces clamped together and the glue drying, the MRR staff recommends installing screws or nails through the top of the flange and into the beam. Popp suggests either 1x⅝” screws or 1×1/2” nails. You can then remove the clamps, and the new L-girder is ready to be part of your layout’s benchwork.

Members can watch a demonstration on how to build a simple L-girder on Video!

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